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Freelancekonsulenter til møde


At Hays recruitment agency, we have more than 50 years of experience in matching the right candidate with the right job. We daily place freelance consultants in interim and project-based positions - no matter if you are experiencing unanticipated demand, an employee is on maternity- or sick leave or if you need a temporary specialist expertise for an exciting project, we know the right candidate.

We provide an extensive support for companies which are looking for external consultants within our specialisms. These include areas such as IT, Life Sciences and Engineering. Our recruitment consultants have a strong network and we have more than 11.000 contractors in our database. We have tailored processes, which ensure a quick and effective recruitment process. This means that we can present relevant freelancers for your position within 48 hours.

Our recruitment consultants will help you with the entire hiring process from A-Z, including the administrative part. We can also offer other services, such as complete workforce solutions or permanent recruitment and headhunting.

Our expert knowledge is the foundation for our consultants. Yearly, Hays publish reports such as the Global Skills Index or What Workers Want - and in 2023, we launched our first report on the Danish freelance market! This helps us understand both the global and local labour markets, including which competencies and skills are particularly attractive and in demand within your industry. This means that we can find the very best freelance consultants to fill a possible skill gap.

Freelance recruitment for all of Denmark, with a global reach

At Hays recruitment agency we place contractors in the entire country. We have offices in 33 countries, where we help more than 250.000 contingent workers to find projects each year. With a global network and candidate database, as well as a local expertise, we can quickly find the right person for your company.


Opstart af rekruttering
Opstart af rekruttering
Opstart af rekruttering


  • You register a new project with Hays
  • Detailed analysis of your needs
  • Drafting of a requirement profile

Søgning og kvalitetssikring af kandidater
Søgning og kvalitetssikring af kandidater
Søgning og kvalitetssikring af kandidater


  • We look for qualified candidates in our database and network – and beyond, if necessary
  • Evaluation of professional and personal qualifications

Detaljeret screening og præsentation
Detaljeret screening og præsentation
Detaljeret screening og præsentation


  • We brief potential freelancers
  • We select the 2-3 most appropriate candidates
  • Short-list sent to hiring manager

Det rigtige match
Det rigtige match
Det rigtige match


  • Evaluation of CV and feedback
  • Interviews with selected candidates
  • Evaluation of interviews and feedback
  • Contract is signed – or new search performed

What is a freelancer?

A freelancer is an independent specialist, who is contracted by an organisation for a limited period of time. With a freelancer you buy their time, as if it was any other commodity – this means, that you don't pay their salary (or pension, insurance, vacation, etc.), but an invoice. 

You will find freelance consultants within most trades and industries, but typically, it'll be specialists within areas such as programming, marketing, accountancy, etc. 

A freelancer is also frequently called a consultant or contracter (since the work is done on the basis of a contract). A freelancer differs from a temporary employee, as they are self-employed rather than employed by a temp agency. 

What are the benefits of using a freelancer?

A freelancer is not always the right choice for your company, but the benefits are plenty: 

  1. Access to specialist knowledge and expertise
    With a freelancer you pay for expertise and niche knowledge, which can be difficult to get from a permanent employee – or which would require comprehensive training and education. A freelancer usually has experience from a long range of industries and invest a lot of their time in learning and technology. 
  2. More flexibility and scalability
    In economically uncertain times, you will often need to make quick and effective decisions. With a freelancer, you'll get the flexibility to quickly reach to changed market conditions and fluctuating demand. Additionally, the recruitment proces if often significantly faster (sometimes less than 24 hours!) and the value is nearly instantaneous. 
  3. Cost effectiveness
    Even though freelancers are expensive at a glance, you're essentially buying the expertise you need for a limited period of time. This way, you can quickly scale up and down, while saving the costs of a permanent hire: Pension, insurance, sickness, holiday pay, education, etc. 
  4. Risk management
    The value of a permanent employee with product-, process- and organisational knowledge is invaluable. But it's also risky to put all of your eggs in the same basket. Because when an organisation implements a hiring freeze or layoffs, it'll often create some uncertainty with the remaining workforce – this can largely be avoided by responding to increased demand with contingent workforce. Additionally, there's a lot of cost associated with a fluctuating headcount: Severance pay, loss of knowledge, expensive recruitment- and onboarding processes, and demotivated colleagues. 

If you want to read more benefits from using freelancers, as well as why some of the largest companies in Denmark uses them, you can download our Freelance Market Report 2023. 

Hays specialisms

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