My settings

Here you find individual services which make the use of our web pages more comfortable for you. Please observe that you must be logged in for the services to be enabled.

If you feel unsure about what a particular service does, just click on the question mark next to the respective headline in order to see a detailed description of the service.

Email notifications

Password strength:
The password must contain:
at least eight characters
one special character !$%&/()=?+#*{[]}~|><,;.:-_@äÄöÖüÜ
at least one number
at least one letter
Note: You will be automatically logged out after changing your password.
Please log in again with your new password.

Change email address (web account)

Your email address for the web account at
Valid for login, sending the Hays newsletter and for documents relevant to billing.

Change email address (for contact)

If you wish to be contacted by Hays via a different e-mail address in the future, you can change it under "My profile data". This address is valid for new job offers and contractual details.

Deleting your account

This only concerns the deletion of your account. Your application data will remain stored. Should you wish to have your entire data deleted according to GDPR standards, please send an email to