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What is an attractive LinkedIn profile?
When you are open for a new job, it is important to set up your LinkedIn, so it is easy for headhunters and companies to find you on the media. We created a list of the most essential tips for an attractive LinkedIn.
Look like a jobseeker:
Start by giving the impression that you are looking for a job. This could be done by writing that you are looking for a job or open to new challenges in the headline of your profile. You should also note what area you would like to work in.
Should you have a LinkedIn Premium profile, you can do this by changing this in your settings of your LinkedIn, and a small bag will appear next to your name.
Keep your profile updated:
This ensures that the information you put up is up to date, i.e. your CV. More importantly, it shows that you are active on LinkedIn.
Work on your profile:
Everything is becoming increasingly more digitalized, and it is important that you write all the different digital tools that you have experience with. These should be easily visible on your profile, as headhunters will be searching for profiles with a specific skillset.
You should showcase some of the projects you have participated in. This works as an example, so the headhunters can see, what kind of work you have been doing.
Use the summary to write a bit about yourself and focus on showcasing your key competencies.
In the experience section, write all your experience. You should not simply write “IT-Developer”, but rather explain what you did in this position.
When writing about your education, make sure to state the level of it. Some companies might only want candidates with a master’s degree, and you will easily be skipped if you don’t provide information in this.
The section “skills and expertise” is also a section the headhunters will be searching in. This is where you should write all your skills, as it increases your chance of appearing in their search.
Inform about your contact information:
Write your private mobile, email and around what time you prefer being contacted in. You should only do this if you feel safe about making your contact information public. We have very positive experience with candidates who have their contact information easily accessible, especially with time sensitive placements. This raises your chance of a faster process.
Allow InMail’s:
Make sure to allow others to send you inmails (messages) in your settings. There’s a good possibility that you will not get contacted unless you allow inmails.
Follow groups:
Lastly, make sure to be a part of LinkedIn Groups that are relevant to what you are or have been doing. Headhunters will look at what groups the candidate is a part of to better create an impression of their profile.
If you would like to have more career advice, visit Hays Social, or give us a call and we will be happy to help you.
Good luck!

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