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    Referencenummer: 803564/1

    Regnskabschef (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    I denne rolle vil du være ansvarlig for alle opgaver relateret til regnskab, bogholderi og rapportering samt være ansvarlig for vedligeholdelse og udvikling af procedurer. Dit primære arbejdssted vil være på hovedkontoret i Herlev, men arbejdet vil også inkludere løbende ture til produktionen i Bramming.

    Som Betechs nye regnskabschef vil dine ansvarsområder og arbejdsopgaver blandt andet indeholde:
    • Daglig ajourføring med lovgivning indenfor regnskab, personale og løn
    • Drift af ejendom, herunder vedligeholdelse og anskaffelse af nyt inventar
    • Ugentlig opdatering af valutakurser
    • Bogføring af periodiseringsposter og afstemning af periodiseringskonti
    • Udarbejdelse af løn til funktionærer
    • Momsafstemning, indrapportering og betaling
    • Månedsregnskab, intern rapportering og analyse af regnskab – både til internt brug samt til Danmarks Statistik
    • Månedspræsentation til CEO 
    • Rapportering af ESG tal til koncernen 
    • Kontinuerlig rapportering i Cognos
    • Årlig udarbejdelse af budget
    • Medarbejderudviklingssamtaler og lønregistrering 
    • Administration af sambeskatning i Danmark, herunder a’conto, SKAT og årsafregning 
    • Vedligeholdelse og udvikling af SAP/ERP, herunder udvikling og test af nye tiltag
    Online siden: 24.01.25
    Referencenummer: 801350/1

    Afdelingschef (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Som leder af Norconsult vil du styre vores projekter, kommercielle aktiviteter samt sikre og opretholde en stærk økonomisk position og kultur. Du vil bidrage med omfattende viden til Norconsults miljø- og geotekniske divisioner, samtidig med at du har en passion for kommercielle aktiviteter. Derudover vil du fungere som sparringspartner og overordnet projektleder. Som afdelingsleder vil du lede afdelingen og alle divisioner inden for denne del af Norconsult. Samlet set vil du drive forretningsudviklingen for geotekniske og miljømæssige divisioner. Dine primære opgaver og ansvarsområder inkluderer:
    • Etablering og vedligeholdelse af kontakt med øvrige kontorer, herunder det nye kontor i Jylland
    • Håndtering af relationer til hovedkontoret gennem møder og seminarer
    • At stå til rådighed og håndtering ved kundetilfredshedsudfordringer
    • Et overordnet ansvar for afdelingens økonomi
    • Overvågning af indkøb og skære unødvendige udgifter fra
    • Implementering af ensartede retningslinjer på tværs af virksomheden
    • Personaleledelse, herunder udviklingssamtaler og trivsel
    • Lønforhandlinger
    • Ansvarlighed for ansættelser og afskedigelser i afdelingen
    • Overvågning af fakturering
    • At inspirere teamledere og øvrige medarbejdere
    Online siden: 20.01.25
    Referencenummer: 795364/1

    Junior Drone Engineer (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    • Design and Development
    • Use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create detailed engineering drawings and specifications.
    • Design and implement software programming for use in drone functionality
    • Create prototypes, models and parts as required through 3D printing or other mechanisms.
    • Source suppliers and vendors for both design and production capabilities
    • Testing and Evaluation
    • Analyze test data to identify and troubleshoot issues, making necessary modifications to improve functionality.
    • Ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations throughout the testing process.
    • Comply with all applicable requirements, standards and regulations. Comfortable to work within AS9100 certification processes.
    • Fly the drones, and support drone pilots
    • Research and Development
    • Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in drone technology and related fields.
    • Conduct research to develop methods to enhance drone performance and capabilities.
    • Participate in hands on modifications
    • Integration and Deployment:
    • Help Integrate drones with various payloads, sensors, and communication systems to meet specific project requirements.
    • Collaborate with clients to understand their needs and provide tailored drone solutions.
    • Participate the deployment and field operations of drone systems, ensuring optimal performance.
    Online siden: 17.01.25
    Referencenummer: 800164/1

    Salgschef for Metal Work (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Som Salgschef bliver du ansvarlig for at drive salget og forretningsudviklingen fremad i tæt samarbejde med CEO, samtidig med at du sikrer implementeringen af den fastsatte salgsstrategi. Du vil have det daglige ledelsesansvar for et dedikeret salgsteam bestående af fem distriktschefer. CEO vil aktivt deltage i salget med fokus på nøglekunder og eksport. Dine opgaver vil blandt andet omfatte:
    • Implementering af salgsstrategien med særlig vægt på nøglekundefilosofi, i overensstemmelse med virksomhedens 5-årsplan.
    • Udvikling og vedligeholdelse af rapporteringsprincipper og salgsværktøjer (f.eks. CRM/C4C), der bidrager til at nå de fastsatte mål.
    • Fastlæggelse af individuelle succeskriterier for salgskonsulenter i tæt samarbejde med de enkelte medarbejdere.
    • Koordinering, motivering og prioritering af salgsindsatser for at styrke teamwork baseret på åbenhed, ansvarlighed og loyalitet.
    • Derudover vil du få ansvaret for at analysere markedets potentiale og udvikle strategier baseret på målrettede aktiviteter over for eksisterende og potentielle kunder. Du skal identificere nye markedsmuligheder og udvikle initiativer, der kan øge virksomhedens markedsandel.
    • Bidrage til opbygning og vedligeholdelse af relationer med både eksisterende og nye kunder.
    • Deltage i opsøgende salg og rådgive kunder om automatiseringsløsninger.
    • Udarbejde tilbud og forhandle salgs- og leveringsaftaler.
    • Præsentere og implementere nye produkter hos kunder.
    • Varetage administrative opgaver, herunder besøgsrapportering, opfølgning på salgsbudgetter og strategisk planlægning.
    Online siden: 16.01.25
    Referencenummer: 799118/1

    Diagnostics Business Partner (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    Jutland, Central Denmark
    As a Diagnostics Business Partner at Roche Diagnostics, you will play a key role in building positive collaborations while positioning our innovative solutions for clinical labs in the Region of Central Denmark and North Jutland:
    • You build and maintain collaborative relationships with key customers across pathology, molecular, and biochemistry labs.
    • You strategically engage in pre-tender work to ensure Roche's solutions are well-positioned.
    • You lead proactive discussions to identify new business opportunities.
    • You collaborate with cross-functional teams to drive a value-based approach to tenders and business models.
    • You lead initiatives and projects, ensuring timely involvement of internal teams.
    • You analyze market trends and customer needs to drive innovative business strategies.
    • You ensure ongoing dialogue and strategic alignment with all internal and external partners.
    Online siden: 14.01.25
    Referencenummer: 782893/1

    Product Specialist (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    The goal of Product Specialist is to ensure optimal processing of MedTech’s customers in Denmark so that this forms the basis for stability in results and the customer’s perception of collaboration with FK. Moreover, you will work with FK MedTech’s product portfolio and services in relation to customers and you will support the preparation of the Danish budget. Gain access to customers by using network and create a high interest level from the customers to maintain ongoing conversations and to give support to the customers. Key responsibilities include:
    • Continuously acquire professional knowledge at a level to organize customer meetings and trainings for the district’s customers (nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and medical technicians)
    • Support the product specialists in the team with a higher level training on MedTech products
    • Support healthcare professionals when discharging HPN patients
    • Dialogue and contact with buyers
    • Responsible for achieving sales targets for own product area in own district
    • Preparation of a semi-annual district plan with associated account plans.
    • Planning and execution of customer visits, activities and projects according to agreed segmentation and targeting criteria, frequencies and goals
    • Initiating, planning and participating in FK’s profiling activities in relation to the customer group, including morning meetings, evening meetings, courses, exhibitions, etc.
    • Responsible for exhibitions in own district within your own product area in terms of stand set-up and exhibition material.
    • Co-responsible for customizing material for use in detailing, instructions, etc.
    • Idea generation for new projects in the district, initation and implementation of relevant projects, etc.
    • Support in budget preparation for Denmark
    • Attendance at relevant European and Nordic meetings
    • Support Nordic colleagues on major assignments
    • Support Nordic colleagues with specialized product knowledge
    • Various ad hoc tasks according to agreement
    • Follow-up on ongoing activities, including monthly reports
    • Registration and reporting of completed and planned activities in CRM
    • Updating customer database in CRM
    • Updating customer information in CRM
    • Handling of complaints/side effects according to FK’s instructions
    • Co-responsible for the area’s competitor monitoring
    Online siden: 10.01.25
    Referencenummer: 790993/1

    Country Lead (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    As a Country Lead, you will be responsible for expanding the business in Denmark by finding and developing new business opportunities in the form of empty buildings, and to ignite a spark of curiosity in every prospect you encounter. Your responsibility will be to develop a growth-focused strategy, translate it into a budget, and secure HQ support for implementation. The key to achieving Mosaic World's ambitions in Denmark will be identifying potential clients and generating leads from scratch, as well as leveraging inbound inquiries and existing contact networks. You’ll also be responsible for monthly reporting on revenue, forecasts, and strategic progress to the Mosaic World Board.

    After signing the building, you and your leasing agent will find suitable tenants. This can be for either for workspace or residential units. Operational excellence is key to keep property owners and tenants’ satisfaction at the current high levels achieved.

    Your canvas will be diverse and ever-changing, and you’ll be engaging with a variety of stakeholders, from local authorities to commercial property owners.

    Your primary tasks will include:
    • Find suited (empty) buildings and their owners to sell the concept to. Therefore, you generate inquiries and leads from scratch (cold acquisition), inbound inquires and existing contact networks (B2B)
    • Talk to prospects and build your network by active acquisition and by making effective use of sales tools (sales navigator, salesforce, Lusha), databases, specialized magazine articles, national and regional real estate meetings, and platforms
    • Visit the potential building to make a first assessment
    • Work together with local authorities, housing associations, property developers and commercial property owners
    • Maintain a global overview of your objectives and set the right priorities
    • Administrating efficiently in-the-cloud and register your (commercial) activities in CRM systems such as SalesForce
    • Recognize commercial opportunities to give mid & long-term vacant property a new lease of life, all while keeping a social and commercial component in mind
    • Advise prospects on solutions that Monoma offers to generate (new) business and optimize the management of vacant properties
    • Be responsible for all marketing-related activities. Together with the Dutch marketing team at the head office in the Netherlands, you increase Monoma’s visibility, and produce and distribute relevant content to prospects and current costumers
    • Communicate the company’s leading position, exciting vision, and strategic plans with the team, customers, and the local community
    • Shape customer strategies and negotiating contracts to enhance customer loyalty, drive business growth and profitability
    Online siden: 07.01.25
    Referencenummer: 787005/1

    HQSE Manager (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    Arbejdsopgaver: Du vil komme til at arbejde med mange forskellige typer opgaver, herunder:
    • Udvikle og implementere strategier for QA, miljø (eksternt og internt) og H&S.
    • Kvalitetsansvarlig for produktion og produkter.
    • Sikkerhedsansvarlig for Alumichem i Danmark.
    • Medvirke til miljøforbedringer i virksomhedens løbende udvikling.
    • Opsamle relevante data og rapportere til Alumichems ledelse.
    Online siden: 07.01.25
    Referencenummer: 780620/1

    Country Manager - Norway (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    This is a unique opportunity for you to lead and develop the Norwegian Sales Team that will be based in Norway. 

    • As Country Manager you will have your own client list for Market Norway and will sell our clients investment funds to these persons.
    • It’s expected that the candidate can generate sale around 50m NOK the first year and around 100m NOK the second year.
    • Ensuring that the sales target is met for the sales representatives (their sales goals will be 170m NOK)
    • Hiring additional sales representatives and taking the day-to-day responsibility of them
    • Hiring meeting bookers that are responsible for calling all new leads incoming from marketing and the client list, which the sales representatives will have in Market Norway 
    • Our client provides English memorandums, which are utilized in Danish brochures. In close collaboration with our marketing division these brochures are amended into local brochures
    • Hiring a local marketing specialist that can support with writing local marketing emails, and is responsible for the local marketing
    • OFFICE:
    • As Country Manager you will be responsible for the day-to-day job in Market Norway, specifically and not limited to:
    • Managing all tasks in respect to the office 
    • Setting up the PCs at the office or securing/contracting local support
    • Procuring and negotiating formal agreements with telephone/internet providers
    Online siden: 19.12.24
    Referencenummer: 790629/1

    Lead Auditor, Pharmacovigilance (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    We are searching for a full time Pharmacovigilance auditor, responsible for performing PV audits internally at the ALK Headquarter and ALK Affiliates as audits of external collaborators, service providers and distributors. Around 5 travelling days a month is expected. As Lead Auditor you will become part of the Global Quality function located in ALK Headquarters in Hørsholm, Denmark as member of a committed, enthusiastic, and experienced team working with many different QA tasks, processes, and systems within different GxP areas. Your primary responsibility areas and tasks will be:
    • Performing PV audits as Lead auditor, on your own, and in collaboration with other PV and GDP. Lead auditors in ALK.
    • Planning, execution, reporting, and CAPA follow up.
    • Supplier Management, qualification of external collaborators, service providers and distributors.
    Online siden: 11.12.24
    Referencenummer: 784159/1

    Product Manager (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    Slagelse, Denmark
    As the Global Product Manager for Hydronic HVAC at Frese, you will bring innovative hydronic HVAC solutions to the industry with a commercial, holistic, and cross-functional business perspective. Your role will facilitate the continuous journey of energy efficiency and comfort for all relevant stakeholders. Some of your key responsibilities will be to:

    • Develop and maintain the product portfolio, including lifecycle management, product support, product range extensions, complexity reduction, certificates, technical documentation, and communication throughout the value chain.
    • Provide commercial and technical support to sales, distributors, OEMs, partners, and relevant stakeholders.
    • Develop and execute the product portfolio strategy for hydronic HVAC solutions.
    • Maximize the value of investments and balance the innovation and risk profile of the New Product Development (NPD) project portfolio.
    • Act as product owner and commercial project driver in NPD projects, establishing close working relationships with NPD project stakeholders.
    • Conduct market research and analysis to identify customer needs, market trends, and competitive landscape in the HVAC industry.
    • Develop and maintain a product roadmap outlining key milestones, features, and enhancements for the HVAC (hydronic and mechanical) product portfolio.
    • Collaborate with engineering teams to define product requirements, prioritize features, and ensure timely product delivery.
    • Work with marketing and sales teams to develop go-to-market strategies, product positioning, and pricing strategies for HVAC (hydronic and mechanical) products.
    • Monitor and analyze product performance metrics, customer feedback, and market trends to identify areas for improvement and growth.
    • Drive product launches and effectively communicate product value propositions to internal teams, customers, and partners.
    • Manage relationships with key stakeholders, vendors, and partners to ensure successful product development and delivery.
    • Train the organization as well as customers (when needed) as part of product introductions and go-to-market strategies.
    Online siden: 02.12.24
    Referencenummer: 799944/1

    Senior Accountant for Denmark and Norway (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    Are you an experienced person working in the Finance and Accounting Compliance Area and want to take responsibility of Denmark and Norway? OMRON is now searching for an experienced and business driven person covering Denmark & Norway, responsible for ensuring Omron is compliant following Omron strategy of transformation in the region.

    As Senior Accountant for Denmark and Norway, your main responsibility is to ensure that Omron functions in a legal, compliant, and ethical manner, mainly focusing on the local and group Finance and Accounting compliance area.

    The Omron organization encompasses functions like Finance, sales, product and marketing, service, customer services and has a revenue around EURO 60 million annually.

    The Compliance team Northern Europe consists of 6 team members that directly report into the Compliance Manager Northern Europe.

    As Senior Accountant for Denmark and Norway, you will have full responsibility to develop and execute plans for the Denmark & Norway, as part of the European Compliance organization focusing on Finance and Accounting.

    You are reporting to the Compliance Manager Northern Europe (based in UK), and you’ll be a member of the extended management team. The office is based in Køge, Denmark.

    Your main tasks will include:
    • Corporate and statutory reporting, review monthly reporting packages and annual reports, audit/CIT processes.
    • Statutory Compliance with Transfer price drafting, VAT & Intrastat reviews & EC Sales reporting.
    • Finance Control, review Trial Balance and corrections, preparation of journal entry vouchers for accruals, payroll entries & payroll checking.
    • Accounting Operations support, reviewing invoices (approval flow) for sensibility, corrections & VAT.
    • Approving new vendor forms, contacting suppliers in case of lost or erroneous invoices, approving customer returns initiated by credit controller, creating instructions for the team in NL.
    • Business Company support, a member of management team in Denmark & Norway, Transfer Pricing forecasts, Cash flow. Support in budget processes.
    • Annual risk review, updating business continuity plan, Governance Score Card, BOD & shareholder meeting, Support in CSA process (JSOX) and in Internal Audits, provide statistics to local business organizations and banks, collecting documents and preparing answers for questions on sales related matters, Know-your-customer queries, archiving.
    Online siden: 07.01.25
    Referencenummer: 799165/1

    Leasing Manager (m/k/d)

    Fastansættelse hos vores kunde
    As Leasing Manager, you will be responsible for the successful leasing of all units at the new Malmö center, with potential for further projects in the future. You will manage the leasing of retail spaces, develop, and execute leasing strategies, and collaborate closely with international colleagues, the Leasing Director, and the centre operations team when the center opens.

    Your responsibilities will include finding suitable brands for the outlets, negotiating lease agreements, and building long-lasting relationships with brand partners. Additionally, you will actively manage and strengthen tenant relationships on behalf of ROS, acting as an ambassador to promote ROS's image, values, and objectives.

    You will report directly to the Leasing Director and will collaborate with various internal teams, including leasing colleagues across Europe, Center Managers, Retail Operations, Development, Finance, Marketing, and Construction teams. Externally, you will engage with brand partners, owners, investors, leasing lawyers, and architects to secure tenants and drive the leasing process forward.

    Your main tasks will include:
    • Developing and executing a leasing strategy to ensure all available space is leased in a timely and effective manner, considering product mix, adjacencies, and market development to ensure rental maximization and strategic positioning of the project.
    • Building and maintaining strong relationships with both new and existing tenants, acting as an ambassador for ROS.
    • Ensure quality covenants are obtained and accurately checked thus minimizing risk for the owners by ensuring the financial standing of potential and existing clients.
    • Managing the budget for tenant inducements and capital contributions, ensuring cost-effectiveness.
    • Ensuring a smooth legal process in close collaboration with legal advisors, securing the best terms for both clients and owners.
    • Implementation of void, lease renewal and asset management budget plans in close co-operation with the Center Management team, each year reviewed quarterly to meet time scales and budgets. 
    • Collaborating closely with the Center Management team to implement budget and asset management plans, regularly reviewing progress, once the center opens
    • Ensure investor consents are obtained in a timely and efficient manner and contribute towards an effective working relationship with all investors and owners on behalf of ROS.
    • Working as part of the international ROS Leasing Team to share contacts directly and via WICE system, facilitate cross-country operations, and working according to the agreed ROS Leasing Standards of Operation.
    • Actively participating in the onboarding and negotiation processes for new tenants, ensuring a successful and seamless leasing experience.
    • Closely co-operate with Center Management by means of monthly meetings and during the budgeting process. 
    • Input actively into the development and delivery of the Center Business plan. 
    • Assist Center teams to build up an effective partnership with the tenants. 
    • Actively apply and support the Key Account Management Strategy of ROS. 
    • Travel regularly to the Malmö center, meeting with potential tenants, conducting site visits, and showcasing the center.
    • Be in the center at least one day a week, with the remainder of your time working remotely. 
    • Focus on tenant relations, conducting market research, and actively pursuing the right brands for the center.
    Online siden: 17.12.24

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