Product Manager (m/k/d)

Om virksomheden
- Frese is a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) focused on developing intelligent hydronic HVAC solutions for building constructors, occupants, and the environment. As a world-leading manufacturer of innovative dynamic valves, controls, and solutions for the global Hydronic HVAC market, Frese is a recognized industry leader in improving energy efficiency in buildings.
As the Global Product Manager for Hydronic HVAC at Frese, you will bring innovative hydronic HVAC solutions to the industry with a commercial, holistic, and cross-functional business perspective. Your role will facilitate the continuous journey of energy efficiency and comfort for all relevant stakeholders. Some of your key responsibilities will be to:
- Develop and maintain the product portfolio, including lifecycle management, product support, product range extensions, complexity reduction, certificates, technical documentation, and communication throughout the value chain.
- Provide commercial and technical support to sales, distributors, OEMs, partners, and relevant stakeholders.
- Develop and execute the product portfolio strategy for hydronic HVAC solutions.
- Maximize the value of investments and balance the innovation and risk profile of the New Product Development (NPD) project portfolio.
- Act as product owner and commercial project driver in NPD projects, establishing close working relationships with NPD project stakeholders.
- Conduct market research and analysis to identify customer needs, market trends, and competitive landscape in the HVAC industry.
- Develop and maintain a product roadmap outlining key milestones, features, and enhancements for the HVAC (hydronic and mechanical) product portfolio.
- Collaborate with engineering teams to define product requirements, prioritize features, and ensure timely product delivery.
- Work with marketing and sales teams to develop go-to-market strategies, product positioning, and pricing strategies for HVAC (hydronic and mechanical) products.
- Monitor and analyze product performance metrics, customer feedback, and market trends to identify areas for improvement and growth.
- Drive product launches and effectively communicate product value propositions to internal teams, customers, and partners.
- Manage relationships with key stakeholders, vendors, and partners to ensure successful product development and delivery.
- Train the organization as well as customers (when needed) as part of product introductions and go-to-market strategies.
- Bachelor's degree in Engineering Business, Marketing, or a related field. Alternatively, several years of experience in the HVAC segment.
- Preferably combined several years of experience as a product manager, business developer, sales, or similar technical or commercial roles.
- Knowledge of Hydronic HVAC systems & products and BMS applications including BACnet or similar protocols.
- Experience with preparing and executing business plans.
- Service and support mindset with strong relationship-building skills.
- Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and market research to drive strategic product decisions.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams.
- Strong project management skills and ability to prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment.
- Frese offers muliple benefits including company events and competitions, good offers on massage, fruit and their own art association.
Oplysninger om løn
- To be discussed.
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Vores mangeårige rekrutteringserfaring og vores ekspertviden om ingeniørarbejdsmarkedet gør os til en stærk partner for ingeniører og teknikere. Vi opretholder tætte relationer med kunder på tværs af alle brancher og kan derfor give ingeniørspecialister spændende projekter og attraktive jobmuligheder, der trækker på dine personlige interesser og erfaring. Som din professionelle ledsager støtter vi dig gennem hele forløbet, fra den første kontakt til den første dag på dit nye job – alt dette helt gratis. Tilmeld dig nu og glæd dig til mange interessante og egnede stillinger og projekter.
Ansættelsesproces til en fast eller midlertidig stilling
- Analyse af kvalifikationer
- Telefoninterview
- Kontakt med vores kunder
- Udarbejdelse af kontrakt med Hays
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1. Analyse af kvalifikationer
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